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Items in Vegetables

1. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) the round, edible seed of a widely cultivated plant. বহুলভাৱে খেতি কৰা এবিধ গছৰ ঘূৰণীয়া, খাব পৰা গুটি।

English: field pea, pea, pisum sativumsci ,
Assamese: মটৰ, মটৰমাহ, মাহ,
Bodo: मटर,
Khasi: u motor,
Garo: motol,
Meeteilon: hawai tharak,
Karbi: motor,
Nagamese: motor,
Dimasa: motor,
Bangla: মটর

2. Vegetables(Common Noun) The seed of the betel palm, chewed with betel leaves, lime, and flavorings as a mild stimulant. তামোল গছৰ গুটি, যাক পাণৰ পাত, চূণ আৰু অন্য গোন্ধযুক্ত দ্ৰৱ্যৰ সৈতে মৃদু উত্তেজক হিচাপে খোৱা হয়৷

English: areca catechu, areca nut, betel nut,
Assamese: খিলি, গুৱা, তামুল bo , তামোল, তামোলপাণ, তাম্বুল,
Bodo: गइ,
Mising: guye, guyeng, sali,
Garo: gue,
Meeteilon: Kwa,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: গুৱা,
Karbi: arkeng, kove,
Kok-Borok: কোয়াই,
Dimasa: goi, Gowai, guwai,
TAI-Ahom: মা মূ,
Bangla: গুবাক, গুয়া, তামোল, তাম্বুল, সুপারি,
Rabha: কুৰ,
Tiwa: koi,
Deori: গুঁই, গুনই,
TAI-Turung: phunsi,
Singpho: gang je


a. Material Noun-Neuter: nut, কাঠফল, কাষ্ঠবীজ, गोरान फिथाय, phol-guti...

Related Idea:

b. Common Noun-Neuter: betel, betel leaf, piper betle, sirih leaf, পাণ...

3. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A tall tropical Asian annual plant (Abelmoschus esculentus) widely cultivated in warm regions for its edible, mucilaginous green pods. NULL

English: lady`s finger, okra, ভেন্দি,
Assamese: ভেন্দি,
Bodo: भिन्दि,
Meeteilon: belendri, bhelendri,
Nagamese: bhindi,
Dimasa: bendi,
TAI-Ahom: মাক-মাই-ম্যুন

4. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) A purple colored vegetable grown in many parts of Asia. botanical name Solanum melongena. এছিয়া মহাদেশৰ বিভিন্ন প্ৰান্তত উপলভ্য বেগুণীয়া ৰঙৰ এবিধ পাচলি।

English: aubergine, brinjal, eggplant, melongene,
Assamese: বাংঙনা bo , বাৰ্ত্তাকু, বেঙেনা, মাক্ খু,
Bodo: फान्थाव,
Mising: ba:yom,
Garo: baring,
Meeteilon: khamen, khamen akhabi,
Mizo (Lushai): bawkbawn,
Karbi: hapek, hepi, hipi,
Hmar: manta,
Nagamese: bengena, pengena,
Dimasa: phanthao,
TAI-Ahom: মাক-খ্রো,
Hindi: बैंगन,
Deori: পাদুঁ,
Santali: beṅgaṛ,
TAI-Khamti: mak kha

5. PlantsVegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) Any of various plants of the genus Mentha, characteristically having aromatic foliage and nearly regular flowers. মেণ্ঠা প্ৰজাতিৰ অন্তৰ্ভুক্ত এবিধ গছ, যাৰ সুগন্ধিযুক্ত পাত খাদ্যৰূপে গ্ৰহণ কৰা হয়।

Provided By: Barnali Deori
English: common mint, corn mint, Field mint, mentha arvensis, Mentha arvensis L., mint, pudina, Wild mint.,
Assamese: পদিনা, পদুনা,
Bodo: पदमा मैगं,
Karbi: pudina,
Nagamese: pudina,
Dimasa: podina

6. Vegetables(Common Noun) A European vegetable (Brassica oleracea var. capitata) of the mustard family, having a globose head consisting of a short stem and tightly overlapping green to purplish leaves. সৰিয়হ গোত্ৰৰ অন্তৰ্গত ব্ৰাছিকা প্ৰজাতিৰ এক পাচলিজাতীয় উদ্ভিদ, যাৰ চুটি কাণ্ডক সেউজীয়া বা কজলা ৰঙৰ পাতে ওপৰা-উপৰিকৈ বান্ধি ৰাখে।

English: cabbage,
Assamese: বন্ধাকবি,
Bodo: बान्दा कबि,
Khasi: u kubi song,
Garo: banda kobi, kobi,
Meeteilon: kobiful,
Mizo (Lushai): zikhlum,
Hmar: zîkhlûm,
Nagamese: bondha-kobi, gobi, kobi,
Dimasa: banda kobi,
Nepali: बन्दागोभी

7. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) a plant having a large edible head of crowded white flower buds এবিধ পাছলি, যাৰ ফুলৰ দৰে উপৰিভাগ খোৱা হয়৷

Four different types of Cauliflower...
English: cauliflower,
Assamese: ফুলকবি,
Bodo: फुल कबि,
Khasi: u phul kubi,
Meeteilon: kobilei,
Mizo (Lushai): parbawr,
Karbi: phulkobi,
Nagamese: phulkobi,
Tiwa: sa khum

8. Vegetables(Common Noun) The potato (Solanum tuberosum) is a perennial plant of the Solanaceae, or nightshade, family, commonly grown for its starchy tuber. চলানেচী গোত্ৰৰ অন্তৰ্গত এক উদ্ভিদ, যাক তাৰ মঙহাল, শৰ্কৰাযুক্ত, খাদ্যোপযোগী স্ফীতকাণ্ডৰ বাবে খেতি কৰা হয়।

English: aloo, potato, Solanum tuberosumsci ,
Assamese: আলু, আলুগুটি,
Bodo: आलु,
Mising: alu, nginlum,
Khasi: phan,
Garo: Kha-aa,
Meeteilon: Alu,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: আলু,
Karbi: Phurui, phuruithe, phurul,
Hmar: alû,
Nagamese: alu,
Dimasa: thathai,
TAI-Ahom: মান লেন্, মান-চিন,
Hindi: आलू,
Tiwa: thakuthi,
Deori: তাচ্চিতি,
Santali: Ạlu,
TAI-Khamti: man kala,
TAI-Turung: gla nai,
Singpho: gala nai

9. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A widely cultivated South American plant or its fruit (Lycopersicon esculentum) having edible, fleshy, usually red fruit. মূলতঃ দক্ষিণ-আমেৰিকাৰ এবিধ পাছলি৷ বৰ্তমান ই পৃথিৱীৰ সকলো প্ৰান্ততে পোৱা যায়৷ ই পকিলে ৰঙা হৈ পৰে৷

Src: Wikipedia
English: tomato,
Assamese: বিলাহী, বিলাহী-বেঙেনা, বিলেতি-বাংঙনা bo , বিলেহি bo ,
Bodo: बिलाथी फान्थाव,
Khasi: sohsaw,
Meeteilon: khamen ashinbee,
Karbi: bokbok,
Hmar: mantathur,
Nagamese: bilati-bengena, golbhera, pingana,
Dimasa: didibao, gidibao, phanthao bilati, phanthao mikri,
Nepali: गोलभेडा, टमाटर,
Deori: পামু,
TAI-Khamti: mak-aik

10. Vegetables(Common Noun) a large dark red bean. ডাঠ ৰঙা বৰণৰ এবিধ ডাঙৰ মাহ।

English: kidney bean, Phaseolus vulgarissci ,
Assamese: ৰাজমাহ,
Bodo: राजमा,
Dimasa: rajmah

11. Vegetables(Common Noun) A widely cultivated southwest Asian plant or its leaves having succulent edible leaves. দক্ষিণ-পশ্চিম এছিয়াত বহুলভাৱে খেতি কৰা এবিধ শাক জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ।

English: spinach, spinacia oleraceasci ,
Assamese: পালেং, পালেং শাক,
Bodo: फालें बिलाइ,
Garo: lai,
Dimasa: phaleng,
TAI-Ahom: ফাক্-মে-ছি ও

12. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) A coarse trailing vine (Cucurbita pepo) widely cultivated for its fruit. The large pulpy round fruit of this plant, having a thick, orange-yellow rind and numerous seeds. ৰঙচুৱা বৰণৰ ফলৰ বাবে বহুলভাৱে খেতি কৰা এবিধ লতাজাতীয় উদ্ভিদ। ই্য়াৰ ফলবোৰ যথেষ্ট ডাঙৰ আৰু মঙহাল, আৰু বহুতো গুটিৰে ভৰা।

English: pumpkin,
Assamese: মিঠালাউ, ৰঙালাউ, ৰঙালাও, ৰাঙা লাউ bo ,
Bodo: जोगोनाद,
Mising: migom tapa,
Khasi: pathaw,
Garo: akkaru gitchak, gominda,
Meeteilon: mairen,
Mizo (Lushai): mai,
Karbi: bonghom, bonghom ke’er, jogonat,
Hmar: mai,
Dimasa: khaukhlu-monglai,
TAI-Ahom: মা-পাক-দেঙ,
Bangla: মিঠা লাউ, মিষ্টি কুমড়ো, মিষ্টি লাউcb syl ,
Nepali: कद्दू,
TAI-Turung: kumpak,
Singpho: gumpak si,
Tutsa: kum

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: gourd, লাউ, লাও, लाव, ejuk...

13. Vegetables(Common Noun) long conical deep-orange edible roots of the cultivated perennial plant widely cultivated in the temperate and tropical regions গ্ৰীষ্মপ্ৰধান আৰু নাতিশীতোষ্ণ অঞ্চলত খেতি কৰা এবিধ উদ্ভিদৰ দীঘল শংকু আকৃতিৰ ডাঠ-কমলা ৰঙৰ খাব পৰা শিপা

English: carrot, daucus carotasci ,
Assamese: গাজৰ,
Bodo: गाजर,
Khasi: u kajor,
Meeteilon: gajar,
Nagamese: carot, gajor,
Dimasa: gajor

14. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) the crisp, pungent, edible root of the plant, Raphanus sativus, of the mustard family, usually eaten raw. এবিধ শিপা-জাতীয় পাচলি৷ ই বগা বা ৰঙছুৱা ৰঙৰ হয়৷

English: radish, Raphanus sativus,
Assamese: মূলা,
Bodo: मुला,
Khasi: muli,
Garo: mula,
Meeteilon: muli,
Nagamese: mula,
Dimasa: mula,
Hindi: मूली

15. Vegetables(Common Noun) Any of several trailing or climbing plants related to the pumpkin, squash, and cucumber and bearing fruits with a hard rind. NULL
English: gourd,
Assamese: লাউ, লাও,
Bodo: लाव,
Mising: ejuk, tapa, tepung,
Khasi: u klong,
Garo: lau,
Karbi: bonglang,
Hmar: ûm,
Nagamese: binglao, lao, pani lao,
Dimasa: melao, milao,
Bangla: কদুcb syl , লাউ,
Nepali: लौकी

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: pumpkin, মিঠালাউ, ৰঙালাউ, ৰঙালাও, ৰাঙা লাউ ...
b. Common Noun: bottle gourd, calabash, lagenaria siceraria, জাতিলাউ, জাতিলাও...
c. Material Noun-Neuter: laotai...

16. Vegetables(Common Noun) the thick, fleshy, edible root of either of two plants of the mustard family, the white-fleshed Brassica rapa rapifera or the yellow-fleshed rutabaga. NULL

English: Brassica oleraceasci , kohlrabi, turnip cabbage,
Assamese: ওলকবি,
Bodo: अलकबि,
Dimasa: olkobi,
Deori: মিনুচি-তা

17. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) Starch resembling sago that is obtained from cuckoopint root এবিধ সৰু প্ৰজাতীৰ গছ৷ ইয়াৰ গা-গছ,পাত আদি আঞ্জা বনাই খোৱা হয়৷

English: araceae, arum, colocasia,
Assamese: কচু,
Bodo: थास`,
Mising: enge, kotssuag,
Meeteilon: paan,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: কচু,
Karbi: hen, Henru,
Dimasa: thagong lai,
TAI-Ahom: ফুক-মুক

Related Idea:

a. Material Noun-Neuter: কচুৱনি, enge bari, kotssuag bari...

18. PlantsVegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) is an edible fern found throughout Asia and Oceania. It is probably the most commonly consumed fern, and is quite tasty, giving it the name "vegetable"

English: diplazium esculentum, fern,
Assamese: ঢেকীয়া, ঢেকীয়া পাত, ধেইকা bo ,
Bodo: दिखिया,
Mising: okai, rugtag,
Khasi: u tyrkhang,
Garo: gongginjak, me.konchek,
Meeteilon: changkhrong,
Karbi: dumkek, dungkek, dunkek,
Kok-Borok: মুকুমচক,
Dimasa: daonohlai,
TAI-Ahom: ফাক্ কুত,
Bangla: ঢেকি, পালইcb syl ,
Deori: ঢেকীয়া

19. PlantsVegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) any of various plants belonging to the genus Rumex, of the buckwheat family, having edible acid leaves used in salads, sauces, etc.

Provided By: Barnali Deori
English: ambari, bladderdock, indian sorrel, rumex acetosa, rumex vesicariussci , sorrel, spinach dock,
Assamese: চুকা, চুকা শাক, চুকা-পালেং, চোকা শাক,
Bodo: सुखा,
Bangla: অম্বরী

20. Vegetables(Common Noun) any of various biennial plants belonging to the genus Beta, of the goosefoot family, esp. B. vulgaris, having a fleshy red or white root পালেং শাকৰ নিচিনা, কিন্তু মূল আৰু পাত ৰঙা এবিধ পাচলি

English: beet, Beta vulgarissci ,
Assamese: বিট, বিট পালেং,
Bodo: बीट

21. Vegetables(Common Noun) A perennial vegetable, similar to cucumber and squash. It is a dioecious (male and female plants) vine (creeper) plant with heart-shaped leaves (cordate) and is grown on a trellis. The fruits are green with white or no stripes. Size can vary from small and round to thick and long — 2 to 6 inches (5 to 15 cm). টিয়ঁহ আৰু স্কোৱাচৰ দৰে, কিন্তু তাতকৈ সৰু আকৃতিৰ এবিধ পাচলি আৰু তাৰ লতা-জাতীয় গছ

English: parwal, pointed gourd, potol, trichosanthes dioica,
Assamese: পটল, পটোল,
Bodo: फतल, मेगं,
Dimasa: potol

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: Coccinia grandis, kovai, tindora, কুন্দুলি...

22. Vegetables(Common Noun) an evergreen shrub or tree found in Asia that bears a fruit with multiple layers of skin with an edible, sour pulp inside এচিয়া মহাদেশত বিশেষকৈ পোৱা এক চিৰসেউজ উদ্ভিদ৷ তৰপে তৰপে বাকলি থকা এবিধ টেঙা ফল ধৰে৷

English: Dillenia indicasci , elephant apple,
Assamese: , ঔটেঙা, কপিত্থ, দধিফল, পাচখোল,
Bodo: थाइगिर,
Mising: sompa,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: হেইকিরী,
Karbi: pimplam,
Dimasa: thaidi,
TAI-Ahom: মাক্ ছান্,
Bangla: চালতা,
Nepali: पाँचपाने,
Tiwa: oraw,
Deori: চ্চপা, বকুৱা

23. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) a kind of rice which becomes sticky once it is cooked
English: botan rice, glutinous rice, mochi rice, oryza glutinosa, oryza sativa, pearl rice, sticky rice, sweet rice, waxy rice,
Assamese: বৰা চাউল,
Bodo: मायब्रा मायरं,
Mising: umkel,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: বিরণ-চাউল,
Hmar: bu-man,
Dimasa: mai-ju,
TAI-Ahom: খাৱ নিৱ

Super Idea:

a. Common Noun: paddy, rice, ধান, ধান্য, সোণগুটি...

24. Vegetables(Common Noun) A kind of beans that is a subspecies of the cowpea, grown for its medium-sized edible bean এবিধ লতাজাতীয় মাহ গছ | মাটিৰ নাইট্ৰ’জেন যোগীকৰণত সহায় কৰে

English: black-eyed bean, black-eyed-pea, blackeye, chawli, field peas, lobiya, vigna unguiculatasci ,
Assamese: দাংবদী, লেছেৰা মাহ

Super Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: cowpea...

25. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) The young shoot of certain species of the bamboo sliced, cooked, and eaten as a vegetable, especially in East Asian and Assamese cuisine. কোনো কোনো প্ৰজাতি বাঁহৰ কুমলীয়া আগ৷ ইয়াক সৰু সৰুকৈ কূটি পাছলি হিচাপে খোৱা হয়৷

English: bamboo shoot, dry bamboo shoot,
Assamese: বংশাংকুৰ, বাঁহগাজ,
Bodo: औवा मेवाय,
Mising: i:uk,
Meeteilon: usoi,
Karbi: han-up, up-thor,
Nagamese: bas-tenga, khorisa,
Dimasa: miyah, miyah baire,
TAI-Ahom: ন-মান,
Bangla: কোরিল

26. Vegetables(Common Noun) A oval shaped fruit with juicy acidic flesh and it's tree এবিধ টেঙা ফল আৰু তাৰ গছ

English: citrus limonsci , lemon, lime,
Assamese: জম্বিৰ, জম্বীৰ, নেমু, নেমু-টেঙা, নেমু-টেঙ্গা,
Bodo: लेबु,
Mising: singkin,
Khasi: ka shun,
Meeteilon: champra, motum taba,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: লেবু,
Mizo (Lushai): ser,
Karbi: limu, tumeng,
Nagamese: nemo-tenga, nimmu tenga,
Dimasa: taisa gidi, taisa hojo (wild lime), taisa jamber, taisa kaoklu, taisa raote, taisa yasgur, thaisa,
Hindi: निंबू,
Nepali: ज्यामिर,
TAI-Khamti: mak liu,
TAI-Turung: slui,
Singpho: lui khri,
Tutsa: changkutik

Sub Idea:

a. Common Noun-Neuter: Citrus limon (L) Burm f, কাজিনেমু...
b. Common Noun-Neuter: lime, অসমীয়া নেমু, গোল-নেমু, পাতিনেমু, theso hanthor...

27. Vegetables(Common Noun) A bushy annual plant of the legume family, grown for its lens-shaped seeds. It is about 15 inches (38 cm) tall and the seeds grow in pods, usually with two seeds in each.

English: lens culinaris, lentil, pink lentil, split orange lentil,
Assamese: মচুৰ,
Bodo: मुसुर,
Nagamese: dail,
Dimasa: mosur

28. Vegetables(Common Noun) a kind of potato that tastes sweet এবিধ খেতিত হোৱা লতাৰ মাটিৰ তলত বঢ়া বৰ ডাঙৰ-দীঘল আলু [লতাৰ পাত জাতি পাণৰ সদৃশ; আলু পুৰি, চেবা দি ভাজি বা আঞ্জা কৰি খায়; খাবলৈ কঠুৱা অৰ্থাত্ বৰ সোৱাদ আৰু কোমল নহয়; ইয়াৰ কেইবাটাও উপজাতি আছে; যেনে-কুঁবৰী, সল-জুকীয়া, হাতী-খুজীয়া ইত্যাদি]

English: common yam, yam, yam-dioscorea alta,
Assamese: কাঠ আলু, চীনা আলু, দখৈৰা আলু bo , দখৰা আলু,
Mising: ali,
Karbi: phuroi,
Dimasa: tapu,
Tiwa: thayong,
Deori: আচ্চন তা, তা

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, Manioc, tapioca, Tapioca (edible starch)...
b. Common Noun-Common: Ipomoea batatas, Pachirhizns angulatus, sweet potato, কাচাইখা আলু , গৰীয়া-আলু...

Sub Idea:

c. Common Noun-Common: Dioscorea atropur-purea, purple yam, কুঁবৰী-আলু...

29. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) a plant of the Himalayan region. The fleshy part of the fruit which covers the seeds and their juicy envelope, or aril, is in large qnatity, of a firm texture and of a very sharp, pleasant acid taste. It is used by the natives in their curries and for acidulating water. এবিধ টেঙা ফল৷ জাম, জেলী আদি তৈয়াৰ কৰা হয়৷ গৰু বিহুৰ দিনা গৰুৰ চাটত দিয়া হয়৷
English: Garcinia pedunculata,
Assamese: বৰ-থেকেৰা

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: false mangosteen, Gamboge, yellow mangosteen, টেপুৰ, টেপৰ...
b. Common Noun: Garcinia indica, মাটি থেকেৰা, ৰূপহী থেকেৰা...

30. Vegetables(Common Noun) A white gum yielding tree and its fruit. The fruit tastes sour and used to make curry in Assam and NE states of India. It has four main species; viz, Kau thekera (Carallia integerrima), Kuji thekera (Garcinia cowa), Bor thekera (Garcinia pedunculata), and Rupohi thekera (Garcinia indica). এবিধ গাৰপৰা বগা এঠা ওলোৱা গছ আৰু তাৰ টেঙা ফল ইয়াৰ চাৰিবিধ আছেঃ যেনে-কাউ-থেকেৰা; কুঁজী-থেকেৰা; বৰ-থেকেৰা; ৰুপহী- থেকেৰা ৷

Prasanta Bora
English: false mangosteen, Gamboge, yellow mangosteen,
Assamese: টেপুৰ, টেপৰ, থেকেৰা, থৈকাৰ, থৈকৰা

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Neuter: Garcinia pedunculata, বৰ-থেকেৰা...
b. Common Noun: Garcinia indica, মাটি থেকেৰা, ৰূপহী থেকেৰা...
c. Common Noun-Neuter: Garcinia cowa, কুঁজী-থেকেৰা...
d. Common Noun-Neuter: Garcinia mangostana, garcinias, Mangosteen, monkey fruit, saptrees...

31. Vegetables(Proper Noun-Neuter) A riverine plant with white flowers. The leaves are pointed and solid like pin. এবিধ নৈৰ বালি বা পলসত গজা গছ ৷ ইয়াৰ পাতবিলাক খৰিকাৰ নিচিনা গোটা আৰু জোঙা ৷ ফাগুন-চ’ত মাহত তুলাৰ দৰে পাতল-পাতল ফুল ধৰে ৷
English: saltcedar, tamarisk, tamarix dioeca,
Assamese: জাউ, ঝাও

32. Vegetables(Common Noun) A medicinal herb of the mint family found in Japan, Korea,China, North-East India and Thailand. Used in traditional Assamese dishes. Also known to have tick repellent properties. পূব আৰু দক্ষিণ-পূব এছিয়াত পোৱা এবিধ বনৌষধি, অসমীয়া থলুৱা ৰন্ধনত এই বনৌষধবিধ শাক হিচাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়|

Photo: DJ Deep Saikai
English: beefsteak plant, chinese basil, ji soo, perilla, perilla frutescence, perilla oceimoides, rattlesnake weed, shiso, summer coleus,
Assamese: শুকলতি

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Neuter: purple mint, purple perilla, wild red basil...

33. Vegetables(Material Noun-Neuter) Deep red colored flower of a banana plant. It is eaten as food in many parts of the world including Assam. কলগছৰ ফুল| বহুতো অঞ্চলত ইয়াক খাদ্য হিচাপে খোৱা হয়| অসমত সাধাৰণতে ভীমকলৰ কলডিলক সকলোতকৈ উপাদেয় বুলি ভবা হয়|
English: banana flower,
Assamese: কল ফুল, কলডিল, কলদিলা bo , কলাডিল,
Meeteilon: lafu tharo,
Karbi: langdung,
Dimasa: laigonthai, laikhonthai, laimungkro,
Bangla: কলার থোড়,
Nepali: केरा को फुल, बुंगो,
Rabha: অপৰম,
TAI-Phake: pi koi

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: banana, musa acuminata, কদলী, কল, কলগছ...

34. Vegetables(Proper Noun-Neuter) a flowering plant with flat seeds used as a condiment and as a source of edible oil খোৱা তেল উলিওৱা চেপেটা গুটি যুক্ত এবিধ ফুল ফুলা উদ্ভিদ

English: sesame, sesamum indicum,
Assamese: তিল,
Bodo: सिबिन,
Garo: apin,
Meeteilon: thoiding maru, thoiding pambi,
Karbi: nempo,
Dimasa: sibling,
Deori: দিজিং

35. Vegetables(Common Noun) green,ovoid shaped beans of the Vigna radiata tree which is used in a variety of food products in Asia

English: golden gram, green gram, green soy, moong dal, mung dal, vigna radiata,
Assamese: মগু, মগু দাইল, মগু মাহ, মুগ, মুগ দাইল,
Bodo: मुग दालि

36. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) a legume plant of the fabaceae family found in East Africa, South Asia and Central America এবিধ হালধীয়া বৰণৰ দাইল৷

English: cajanus cajan, cajanus indicus, pigeon pea, red gram,
Assamese: অৰহৰ, অৰ্হৰ, মিৰি মাহ, ৰহৰ, ৰহৰ দাইল,
Bodo: खखलें,
Karbi: thekek

37. Vegetables(Common Noun) splitted chickpeas without seedcoat used for cooking দাইল হিচাপে ৰান্ধি খোৱা বাকলি গুচোৱা, ফলা বুট মাহ
English: split chickpea,
Assamese: বুট দাইল,
Nepali: चनाको दाल

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: bengal gram, ceci bean, chickpea, cicer arietinum, চানা...

38. Vegetables(Common Noun) a kind of bean produced in south asia with black seedcoat when unhusked

English: black gram, black lentil, mash dal, urad dal, vigna mungo, white lentil,
Assamese: মাটি-কলাই, মাটি-দাইল, মাটি-মাহ,
Bodo: सबाय,
Mising: pe:red,
Hindi: उरद, उड़द,
Bangla: ডাল-কলাই

39. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A plant of the Fabaceae family which grows beans inside large edible pods এজোপা লতাজাতীয় গছ, যাৰ দীঘলীয়া গুটি পাচলি হিছাপে খোৱা হয়৷

Photo by BKK: Hyacinth bean and its pods in inset.
English: bonavista bean, dolique lablab, egyptian kidney bean, hyacinth bean, lablab bean, lablab purpureussci , papaya bean, poor mans bean,
Assamese: অৰহিbo , উৰহী,
Nagamese: shim, urohi,
Bangla: শিম

40. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) a vine grown for its very large fruit, eaten as a vegetable. অতি ডাঙৰ আকাৰৰ ফল ধৰা, পাচলি হিছাপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা এবিধ লতা জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ আৰু তাৰ ফল।

English: ash gourd, benincasa hispida, white gourd, winter melon,
Assamese: কুমৰা bo , কুষ্মাণ্ড, কোমোৰা, চাল কোমোৰা,
Mising: paro tapa,
Nagamese: komuora,
Dimasa: khaukhlu,
TAI-Ahom: ফাক্ পাক,
Bangla: কুমোড়, কুষ্মাণ্ড, চাল কুমড়া

41. Vegetables(Proper Noun-Neuter) the bitter fruit and vine of the family Cucurbitaceae grown mostly for its fruit which may be the most bitter among all vegetables. তিয়ঁহৰ প্ৰজাতিৰ এবিধ তিতা ফল আৰু তাৰ লতাজাতীয় গছ৷ সম্ভৱতঃ পাচলিৰ ভিতৰত ই আটাইতকৈ তিতা৷

English: bitter gourd, bitter melon, momordica charantia,
Assamese: কেৰেলা, তিতা কেৰেলা,
Meeteilon: karot akhabi,
Karbi: kangkaroi, kerela, Riho (wild karela),
Hmar: chengkha,
Dimasa: gala,
TAI-Ahom: মাক-খ্রোম-খাই,
Nepali: करेला, तिते करेलो

42. Vegetables(Common Noun) a vine grown for its fruit which can either be harvested young and used as a vegetable or harvested mature, dried, and used as a bottle, utensil, or pipe. The fresh fruit has a light green smooth skin and a white flesh. It is one of the first harvested vegetables in the world. সেউজীয়া বাকলি থকা আৰু মঙহাল, বগা শাহযুক্ত কেঁচা ফল ধৰা এবিধ লাওজাতীয় উদ্ভিদ৷ কেঁচা ফল পাচলি হিছাপে খোৱাৰ উপৰিও শুকান, পূৰঠ ফলৰ খোলাটো বটল বা পাত্ৰৰূপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়৷ ইয়াক খেতিৰ পৰা উৎপাদিত প্ৰথম বিধ পাচলি আখ্যা দিব পাৰি৷

English: bottle gourd, calabash, lagenaria siceraria,
Assamese: জাতিলাউ, জাতিলাও, পানীলাও,
Bodo: फानी लाव,
Mising: pa:mud,
Bishnupriya Manipuri: খলটুম্,
Karbi: bong, chebong,
Dimasa: laotai,
TAI-Ahom: নাম তাও, পা-পাক্, মা-মৌপ,
Bangla: পানি লাউcb syl , মাটিয়াকদু,
Sadri (Nagpuri): লাৱা,
TAI-Khamti: lo fa

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: gourd, লাউ, লাও, लाव, ejuk...

43. Vegetables(Common Noun) a widely cultivated plant for its long seed pods which have high nutritional value. উচ্চ পুষ্টিকাৰক গুটিৰ দীঘল লেচেৰা ধৰা বিস্তৃতভাৱে খেতি কৰা এক উদ্ভিদ।

English: drumstick, moringa, moringa oleifera,
Assamese: চজনা, চজিনা,
Karbi: han`arlong, sondon,
Dimasa: sojona

44. Vegetables(Proper Noun-Neuter) a fast growing weed pollens that can cause allergy found in nitrogen rich soil and can be eaten as vegetable. উচ্চ নাইট্ৰ’জেনযুক্ত মাটিত গজা আৰু পাচলি হিছাপে খাব পৰা এবিধ খৰকৈ বঢ়া বনশাক, যাৰ পৰাগৰেণুৱে এলাৰ্জি কৰিব পাৰে৷

Chenopodium album
English: Chenopodium album, dungweed, fat hen, lambsquarters, lamb`s quarters, white goosefoot,
Assamese: জিলমিল শাক, ভতুৱা শাক

45. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) an aromatic melon eaten as a fruit when its ripe and yellow এবিধ সুগন্ধি ফল৷ পকিলে ভিতৰখন কোমল হয় আৰু পাতল হালধীয়া বৰণ লয়৷

English: cucumis melo, musk melon,
Assamese: খৰ্মুজা, চিনাল, চিৰাল, ছিঁৰাল, ছিণ্ডাল, বাঙী,
Karbi: thoithe nempru,
Hindi: खरबूजा,
Nepali: खर्बुजो, खर्मुजा

46. Vegetables(Common Noun) an annual vine of the genus luffa bearing fruits which have sharp, angled edges. The fruits are eatable when not bitter. পাচলিৰূপে খোৱা লাওজাতীয় এবিধ লতা আৰু তাৰ দীঘলীয়া, চোকা সিৰ থকা সেউজীয়া ফল ৷

Ridge gourd
English: angled luffa, luffa acutangula, ridged gourd, ridged luffa,
Assamese: জিকা,
Karbi: thachi, thechi, thechi arak,
Dimasa: phronthai,
TAI-Ahom: মাক-অয়-ৰঙ

47. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) vine or fruit of the plant belonging to the genus luffa. The fruit is edible. The fruit may be allowed to mature so that only a network of xylems is left and then it can be used as a bathing sponge or scrub পাচলিৰূপে খোৱা লাও জাতিৰ এবিধ ফল আৰু তাৰ লতাজাতীয় গছ ৷ পূৰঠ শুকান ফলটো গা ধোৱাৰ সময়ত গা-ঘঁহা জালৰূপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷

English: egyptian luffa, luffa aegyptiaca, smooth gourd, sponge gourd, sponge luffa,
Assamese: ভোল,
Dimasa: phronthai,
TAI-Ahom: মাক ফলুং, মাক-ফপ-লুঙ,
Bangla: ধুন্দুল, পুরল

48. Vegetables(Proper Noun-Neuter) the plant that produces a tart, sweet, red composite fruit in summer or early autumn. পকিলে মিঠা আৰু ৰঙা হোৱা ফল ধৰা, জহকালি বা শৰৎ কালৰ প্ৰথম চোৱাত হোৱা এক প্ৰকাৰ উদ্ভিদ৷

English: raspberry, red raspberry, rubus idaeus,
Assamese: জুটুলিপকা,
Bodo: रेजबेरी

49. Vegetables(Common Noun) a southeast asian fruit used as both food and medicine

English: baby jackfruit, cochinchin gourd, gac, momordica cochinchinensis, spiny bitter gourd, sweet gourd, teasel gourd,
Assamese: ভাত কেৰেলা,
Karbi: bhak karol, phak karoi,
Dimasa: hanggatai,
TAI-Ahom: মাক-খ্রোম-খাও

50. Vegetables(Common Noun) A common salad vegetable grown in temperate regions
English: lactuca sativasci , lettuce,
Assamese: চীনালাই,
Bodo: लाय मैगं,
Dimasa: salang

51. Vegetables(Common Noun) A short and bushy garcinia tree. It`s fruits resembles the shape of Tomato and looks shiny red when ripe. Though the taste of it`s fruit is very sour but it looks very beautiful. The Assamese name Rupohi originates from the beauty of this fruit. চাপৰ আৰু জোপোহা গছৰ এবিধ থেকেৰা ৷ ইয়াৰ ফল দেখিবলৈ বিলাহীৰ নিচিনা আৰু পকিলে জলজলীয়া ৰঙা বৰণৰ হয় ৷ খাবলৈ বৰ টেঙা যদিও দেখিবলৈ বৰ ধুনীয়া বাবে ইয়াক ৰূপহী থেকেৰা বুলি বিখ্যাত ৷

Garcinia indica and it`s fruits in inset.
English: Garcinia indicasci ,
Assamese: মাটি থেকেৰা, ৰূপহী থেকেৰা

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Neuter: Garcinia pedunculata, বৰ-থেকেৰা...
b. Common Noun: false mangosteen, Gamboge, yellow mangosteen, টেপুৰ, টেপৰ...
c. Common Noun-Neuter: Garcinia cowa, কুঁজী-থেকেৰা...

52. Vegetables(Proper Noun-Neuter) The hottest chilli variety in India recently, (2007 Feb) the Bhut or Bih Jolokia chili pepper was officially recorded in the Guiness Book of World Records as Worlds Hottest Pepper lab tested at 1,001,304 Scoville Heat Units., botanically known as Capsicum chinense jacquin, is extensively grown in the northeastern region of India that it was known as "the king of chilies", predominantly in the states of Assam, Nagaland and Manipur. Eventhough the English translation of the Assamese word 'Bhot' is wrongly ascribed in the media as 'ghost' making it popular as the 'ghost chilli'. However, in reality the 'Bhot' in this case refers to Tibetan or Bhutanese. ২০০৭ চনৰ ফেব্ৰুৱাৰি মাহত বিশ্বৰ সকলোতকৈ জলা জলকীয়া হিচাপে "গিনিজ বুক অৱ ৱৰ্ল্ড ৰেকৰ্ডছ''-ত ভোট-জলকীয়া বা বিহ-জলকীয়াই স্থান লাভ কৰিছে ৷ ইয়াৰ জলাৰ মাত্ৰা হ'ল 'স্ক'ভাইল হিট ইউনিট' (SHU)-ৰ মতে ১,০০১,৩০৪ ৷ ভোট-জলকীয়া বা বিহ-জলকীয়াৰ বৈজ্ঞানিক নাম হৈছে Capsicum chinense ৷ ই সাধাৰণতে উত্তৰ-পূব ভাৰতৰ বিশেষকৈ অসম, নগালেণ্ড আৰু মণিপুৰত উৎপন্ন হোৱা এই জলকীয়াবিধক জলকীয়াৰ ৰজা বোলা হয় ৷

English: Bhot Jolokia, bhut jolokia, Bih Jolokia, Capsicum chinense, Capsicum frutescens, ghost chile, ghost chili, ghost pepper, king chilli, Naga Jolokia, naga morich,
Assamese: নগা জলকীয়া, বিহ-জলকীয়া, বিহমৰিচ, বৰবিহ জলকীয়া, ভূত জলকীয়াsfx , ভোট জলকীয়া,
Karbi: Birik Borbi, birik-rosa

53. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) A tropical vine (Ipomoea batatas) having rose-violet or pale pink, funnel-shaped flowers, and cultivated for its fleshy tuberous orange root. The root of this vine, eaten cooked as a vegetable. Also called yam. এবিধ গ্ৰীষ্মমণ্ডলীয় লতাজাতীয় উদ্ভিদ যাৰ মঙহাল কন্দমূলক শ্বেতসাৰ প্ৰধান খাদ্য হিচাপে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় |

English: Ipomoea batatassci , Pachirhizns angulatus, sweet potato,
Assamese: কাচাইখা আলু bo , গৰীয়া-আলু, মিঠা আলু, মিৰি-আলু,
Bodo: गोदै आलु,
Mising: pagli,
Meeteilon: mangra,
Karbi: ruidok,
Nagamese: mitha-alu

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: common yam, yam, yam-dioscorea alta, কাঠ আলু, চীনা আলু...

54. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) The turnip is a root vegetable commonly grown in temperate climates worldwide for its white, bulbous taproot. Small, tender, varieties are grown for human consumption, while larger varieties are grown as feed for livestock.The most common type of turnip is mostly white-skinned apart from the upper 1–6 centimeters, which protrude above the ground and are purple, red, or greenish wherever sunlight has fallen. This above-ground part develops from stem tissue, but is fused with the root. The interior flesh is entirely white. The entire root is roughly conical, but occasionally squircle in shape, about 5–20 centimeters in diameter, and lacks side roots. The taproot (the normal root below the swollen storage root) is thin and 10 centimeters or more in length; it is trimmed off before marketing. The leaves grow directly from the above-ground shoulder of the root, with little or no visible crown or neck (as found in rutabagas). গুৰিত আলু বঢ়া এবিধ বিদেশী পাচলি৷

English: Brassica rapa var. rapasci , turnip,
Assamese: চালগোম,
Bodo: मुला,
Meeteilon: shalgom

55. Vegetables(Material Noun-Neuter) the most highly proteinaceous vegetable known; the seed of this plant, used for food or oil. উচ্চ খাদ্যপ্ৰাণ আৰু প্ৰ’টিনযুক্ত মাহ জাতীয় খাদ্য ৷ ইয়াক খাদ্য আৰু তেল দুয়োধৰণে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷

English: Glycine max (L.) Merr.sci , soya bean, soybean,
Assamese: চয়াবিন,
Mising: piong

56. Vegetables(Common Noun) a kind of fragrant plant chewed with betel nuts. এবিধ তামোলৰ লগত খোৱা সুগন্ধি তৰাজাতিৰ গছ৷
English: Alpinia galanga, Amomum, Amomum linguiforme Benthsci ,
Assamese: কৰ্ফূল

57. Vegetables(Material Noun-Neuter) a variety of large gram like a bengal gram. এবিধ ডাঙৰ বুটমাহ৷

English: Kabuli gram,
Assamese: কাবুলীবুট,
Dimasa: kabuli sana

58. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) Pods are long rather round or flat fruit. Generally it grows up in a creeper plants like peas, beans etc. these are edible. Peacock tree, Flea Tree, Golden shower tree also produced pod, but these are not edible. কোনো কোনো গছৰ দীঘলীয়া অথচ চেপেতা বা গোটা ফল ৷ পৈণত অৱস্হাত ইয়াৰ ভিতৰত সৰুৰ পৰা মজলীয়া বিধৰ গুটি হয় ৷ ইয়াৰে কিছুমান ফল (ছিৰা) খাদ্য হিচাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় যেনে; লেছেৰা, মটৰ, উৰহী ইত্যাদি৷ অন্যহাতে কৃষ্ণচূড়া, শিৰীষ বা সোণাৰুৰ ফল (ছিৰা) খাদ্যৰ উপযোগী নহয়৷
English: pod,
Assamese: ছিৰা, ছেই,
Dimasa: bokong,
Bangla: খোসা, মটর

59. Vegetables(Common Noun) Any of numerous cultivated forms of a widely grown, usually tall annual cereal grass bearing grains or kernels on large ears. বাম খেতিত হোৱা আৰু এটা দীঘলীয়া ডিলাত গুটি ধৰা এবিধ শস্য ৷

Photo by: BKK
English: corn, Indian corn, maize, Zea mayssci ,
Assamese: গোম-ধান,
Bodo: गममाय,
Mising: sepa, tepang,
Garo: me.rakku, mibol,
Meeteilon: chujak,
Mizo (Lushai): vaimim,
Karbi: thengthe,
Nagamese: gumdhan, makoi, mokoi,
Dimasa: manglai,
Deori: মিঁ-চ্চিমা,
Tutsa: puwong

60. Vegetables(Common Noun) This vegetable produces long and curved fruits that appear like snakes hanging on the supports or ground. This subtropical plant grows very fast in warm climates and produces lots of fruits for a long time. It is best to grow this vine plant along the supports for obtaining young straight fuits. Young fruits are harvested and cooked like Luffa. Seed has hard coat and may take a long time to germinate. There are several varieties with different fruit skin and length grown in Asia. An interesting plant for home garden and fresh market. এবিধ সাপৰ দৰে লতা জাতিয় খাদ্য ফল৷

English: Serpent Gourd, Snake Gourd, Trichosanthes anguina L., Trichosanthes cucumerina L.sci , Trichosanthes cucumerina L. va,
Assamese: ধুন্দুলি, নিলাজি,
Mising: ju:kak,
Dimasa: jenga

61. PlantsVegetables(Common Noun-Common) A kind of pot-herb that has a strong pungent smell. It is used as a medicinal plant against common intestinal disorders. আউনী পাণৰ সদৃশ এবিধ বনৰীয়া ঔষধি গুণযুক্ত লতা শাক ৷ পেটৰ অসুখত ইয়াক পাতত দি খোৱা হয় ৷

Provided By: Barnali Deori
English: Cyclamen, Ranunculus reniformis,
Assamese: মছন্দৰী

62. Vegetables(Common Noun) Black nightshade is a fairly common herb or short-lived perennial shrub, found in many wooded areas, as well as disturbed habitats. Its erect, angular, branching stem grows 1 to 2 feet high and may be glabrous or covered with inward- bent hairs. The leaves are alternate, dark green, ovate, and wavy-toothed or nearly entire. The fruit is a many-seeded, pea-sized, purple or black berry. The juice of the fresh herb is sometimes used for fever and to allay pain. The fruit is used as a cosmetic as rubbing the seeds on the cheeks remove freckles. Children extensively eat the mature fruit. The fruit has been used for diabetes. এবিধ সৰু ভেকুৰি গুটিৰ দৰে গুটি থকা গছ৷

English: Black Night Shade, Solanum nigrum,
Assamese: কৰচী, পকমৌ, লাচকচি

63. Vegetables(Common Noun) The Key lime is a citrus species with a globose fruit, 2.5-5 cm in diameter (1-2 in), that is yellow when ripe but usually picked green commercially. It is smaller, seedier, has a higher acidity, a stronger aroma, and a thinner rind than that of the Persian lime (Citrus x latifolia). It is valued for its unique flavor compared to other limes, with the key lime usually having a more tart and bitter flavor. এবিধ ঘূৰণীয়া আৰু অলপ চেপেটা টেঙা ফল৷

English: Citrus aurantifolia, Key lime,
Assamese: চকলা-টেঙা

64. Vegetables(Common Noun) Centella asiatica is a small herbaceous annual plant of the family Mackinlayaceae or subfamily Mackinlayoideae of family Apiaceae, and is native to India, Sri Lanka, northern Australia, Indonesia, Iran, Malaysia, Melanesia, New Guinea, and other parts of Asia. Gotu kola is a mild adaptogen, is mildly antibacterial, anti-viral, anti-inflammatory, anti-ulcerogenic, anxiolytic, a cerebral tonic, a circulatory stimulant, a diuretic, nervine and vulnerary.

English: centella asiaticasci ,
Assamese: বৰ মানিমুনি

Related Idea:

a. Proper Noun-Common: hydrocotyle rotundifolia, hydrocotyle sibthorpioides, মানিমুনি, মানিমুনি শাক, গিমা...

65. Vegetables(Common Noun) Eryngium foetidum is a tropical perennial and annual herb in the family Apiaceae. It is native to Mexico and South America but is cultivated worldwide. In the United States, where it is not well known, the name culantro sometimes causes confusion with Coriandrum sativum (also in Apiaceae), the leaves of which are known as cilantro, and which culantro is even said to taste like. It used extensively in Thailand, India, Vietnam, and other parts of Asia as a culinary herb. This variety of coriander dries well, retaining good color and flavor, making it valuable in the dried herb industry. It is sometimes used as a substitute for cilantro, but it has a much stronger taste. ধনিয়া শাকৰ দৰে গোন্ধোৱা এবিধ বন-শাক৷ ইয়াৰ পাত দীঘল আৰু কাঁইট থকা৷

English: Eryngium foetidum,
Assamese: বন-ধনীয়া, মান-ধনীয়া,
Karbi: bakhor, vorek jokasu

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Neuter: cilantro, Coriandrum sativum, corriender, গোন্ধোৱা-শাক, ধইনা ...

66. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) Belleric myrobalan is one of the vital fruit for prepareing the "Triphola Suran" (an ayurvedic powder) out of three fruits and its tree. It is a big evergreen and deciduous tree. এজোপা ডাঙৰ চিৰসেউজীয়া গছ আৰু ইয়াৰ গুটি ৷ আয়ুৰ্ব্বেদ শাস্ত্ৰৰ ত্ৰিফলা চূৰ্ণ তৈয়াৰীত ব্যৱহাৰ হোৱা তিনিবিধ ফলৰ এবিধ ৷

English: Bastard myrobalan, Belleric myrobalan, Terminalia bellirica (Gaertn.)sci ,
Assamese: ভঁইৰা, ভাঁইৰা, ভোমোৰা

67. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) a kind of vine that produce gourd like fruits(somthing smaller than a gourd)of the genus Passiflora. People used as a vagitable. লতাজাতীয় এবিধ উদ্ভিদত উৎপন্ন হোৱা কোমোৰাৰ দৰে এবিধ ফল৷ ই কোমোৰাতকৈ কিছু সৰু আৰু ইয়াক আঞ্জা কৰি বা ভাজি খায়৷

English: badea, giant granadilla, giant tumbo, passiflora quadrangularis,
Assamese: মেওৱা, মেওৱা বেল, লতা কোমোৰা, লতা বেল

68. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) a middle sized tree with dark green foliage. It grown wild in Assam and cultivated in the backyards of Assamese household. The fruit is about 5 cm. In diameter, globous but slightly tapering towards apex. The ripe fruit is dull in colour outside and orange inside. The fruits are highly acidic and usually preserved as sun-dried slices and very commonly used in preparation of dishes. It is widely used against dysentery. Its Vitamin C content is 4.05 mg./100 gm. অসমত ঘৰুৱাভাৱে ব্যৱহৃত এবিধ কুঁজ থকাৰ দৰে থেকেৰা ফল৷ ইয়াক শুকুৱাই আঞ্জাত ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়৷
English: Garcinia cowasci ,
Assamese: কুঁজী-থেকেৰা

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: Garcinia indica, মাটি থেকেৰা, ৰূপহী থেকেৰা...
b. Common Noun: false mangosteen, Gamboge, yellow mangosteen, টেপুৰ, টেপৰ...

69. Vegetables(Common Noun) Tapioca is basically a root starch derived from the cassava, or yuca plant. It's often used to thicken soups and sweeten the flavor of baked goods, and it makes a dandy pudding. শিমলু গছৰ আলুজাতীয় শিপা৷

English: Cassava, Manihot esculenta Crantz, Manioc, tapioca, Tapioca (edible starch), Tapioca pearls (product), Tapioca plant.,
Assamese: শিমলু-আলু,
Karbi: ruipharkong,
Dimasa: rothi

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: common yam, yam, yam-dioscorea alta, কাঠ আলু, চীনা আলু...

70. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A round shaped juicy acidic fruit and it's tree. এবিধ ঘূৰণীয়া টেঙা ফল আৰু তাৰ গছ .

English: lime,
Assamese: অসমীয়া নেমু, গোল-নেমু, পাতিনেমু,
Karbi: theso hanthor

Super Idea:

a. Common Noun: citrus limon, lemon, lime, জম্বিৰ, জম্বীৰ...

71. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) A kind of big arum with big leaf and steam. এবিধ ডাঙৰ পাত আৰু ঠাৰিযুক্ত কচু৷

English: Alocasia macrorrhiza, Elephant ear,
Assamese: বিহকচু, বৰ কচু

72. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A spice of characteristic flavoring of white sauce, lasagna, stews and ragouts, sometimes also for sausages and pastries, jam, and in some Indian desserts. It is prepared from dried fleshy covering of the nutmeg seed. জাঁইফল গছৰ শুকান গুটিৰ বাকলি পিহি তৈয়াৰ কৰা এবিধ সুগন্ধি মছলা
English: mace

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine: Myristica fragrans, nutmeg, জাঁইফল, জয়িত্ৰী, जाइफल...

73. Vegetables(Proper Noun-Neuter) Dioscorea aculeata; the root is of a sweetish taste and it is cultivated in India. The tubers are dug, in the cold season and taken as a food. ডায়’স্ক’ৰিয়া একুলিয়েটা; ইয়াৰ আলু-আকৃতিৰ শিপাৰ সোৱাদ মিঠা আৰু ভাৰতত ইয়াৰ খেতি কৰা হয় ৷ জাৰকালি ইয়াৰ আলু খন্দা হয় আৰু খাদ্য হিচাপে গ্ৰহণ কৰা হয় ৷

English: Birch-Rind yam, Goa potato,
Assamese: আদা-আলু, মোৱা, মোৱা-আলু

74. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A small plant which is used as vegetable, especially as curry with a sour taste. এবিধ শাক জাতীয় উদ্ভিদ, টেঙা আঞ্জা হিচাবে খোৱা হয়।

Provided By: Barnali Deori
English: Polygonum chinense.,
Assamese: মধুসোলেং,
Karbi: delap, hankalap

75. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) The leaves, the seeds, and the stem of this mustard variety are edible. The plant appears in some form in African, Italian, Indian, Chinese, Japanese, and Soul food cuisine. Cultivars of B. juncea are grown as greens, and for the production of oilseed. The leaves are used in African cooking, and leaves, seeds, and stems are used in Indian cuisine, particular in mountain regions of Nepal etc. লাই শাক অসমীয়া আখলৰ এবিধ প্ৰিয় খাদ্য ৷ লাই শাক অলপ তিতিকি সোৱাদৰ হয় ৷

Provided By: Barnali Deori
English: Brassica juncea, Chinese mustard, Indian mustard, mustard greens,
Assamese: লাই শাক,
Mising: tubor oying,
Karbi: hanjang arvo,
Dimasa: lai,
Bangla: লাই শাক,
Deori: মিয়তু

76. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) mangosteen rind (exocarp) extract is used as a spice.Most species in Garcinia are known for their gum resin, brownish-yellow from xanthones such as mangostin and used as purgative or cathartic, but most frequently – at least in former times – as a pigment. It is also used as herbal medicine. এবিধ টেঙা বনৌষধি ফল ৷ ইয়াক নানান ভাৱে কেচাই বা শুকুৱাই খোৱা হয় ৷ পেটৰ বিভিন্ন অসুখতো ইয়াক ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয় ৷

English: Garcinia mangostanasci , garcinias, Mangosteen, monkey fruit, saptrees,
Assamese: থেকেৰা টেঙা

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: false mangosteen, Gamboge, yellow mangosteen, টেপুৰ, টেপৰ...

77. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A highly ornamental plant, a member of the bean family (Fabaceae), it produces bright yellow flowers that are borne on an upright spike which is presented prominently above a mass of jade green leaves. The seeds become loose in the pod as they mature, and rattle when the pod is shaken. ফেবেচি পৰিয়ালৰ অন্তৰ্গত ক্ৰটেলেৰিয়া ৰেটুচা প্ৰজাতিৰ এবিধ ফুলগছ৷ ফুলৰ ৰং হালধীয়া৷ ছিৰাৰ ভিতৰত ধৰা গুটিবোৰ পূৰঠ হ’লে ছিৰাৰ ভিতৰতে এৰি যায় আৰু সেয়েহে লৰালে শব্দ হয় ৷

English: Crotalaria retusa, rattlebox, rattleweed, wedge-leaf,
Assamese: ঘণ্টাকৰণ, ঘণ্টাকৰ্ণ

78. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) Scientific name Flacourtia jangomas This is an evergreen tropical tree that is native to southeastern Asia. It can reach up to about 33 ft (10 m) tall. It's fruits are edible, and is relatively juicy. It can be eaten raw, or transformed into juice or marmalades. it is a lowland and mountain rain forest tree in the Salicaceae or Willow Family. It is widely cultivated in Southeast and East Asia, and has escaped cultivation in a number of placesThe fruit is eaten both raw and cooked as a jam, and the bark is sometimes used medicinally. পনিয়ল এবিধ মিঠা ফল, ফলৰ ৰসেৰে জাম-জেলিও প্ৰস্তত কৰা হয় ৷
English: coffee plum, Flacourtia gangomos, Flacourtia jangomassci , Indian cherry, Indian plum,
Assamese: পনিয়ল

79. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A cherry tomato is a rounded, small fruited tomato thought to be an intermediate genetic admixture between wild currant-type tomatoes and domesticated garden tomatoes. এবিধ সৰু বিলাহী৷

English: Cherry tomato, Currant Tomato, Solanum pimpinellifolium,
Assamese: কণ বিলাহী

80. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) a kind of edible herb. সৰু সৰু পাতেৰে এবিধ বন শাক৷

English: stellaria media,
Assamese: মৰলীয়া

81. GeologyVegetables(Common Noun-Common) A geophysicist who studies earthquakes and the mechanical characteristics of the Earth. e.g., "The seismologists are studying the earthquake that hit Sikkim and Northeast India in September 2011". ভূমিকম্পৰ বিষয়ে অধ্যয়ন কৰা ভূতত্ববিদ৷ যেনে, "ভূমিকম্পবিদসকলে ২০১১ চনৰ ছেপ্তেম্বৰ মাহত ভাৰতৰ চিকিম আৰু উত্তৰ-পূৱ অঞ্চলত অহা ভূমিকম্পটোৰ বিষয়ে অধ্যয়ন কৰি আছে"৷
English: seismologist,
Assamese: ভূমিকম্পবিদ

82. Vegetables(Material Noun-Neuter) The stem of old /over-ripe radishor any similar vegetable. পৈণত বা বুঢ়া হৈ যোৱা মূলা আদিৰ (যি আচলতে কঠুৱা বা সোনকালে সিদ্ধ নহয়) ঠাৰি৷
Assamese: ঢেৰুৱাৰ ঠাৰি

83. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A purple variety medicinal herb of the mint family found in Japan, Korea, China, North-East India and Thailand. Used in traditional Assamese dishes. Also known to have tick repellent properties. পূব আৰু দক্ষিণ-পূব এছিয়াত পোৱা এবিধ বনৌষধি, অসমীয়া থলুৱা ৰন্ধনত এই বনৌষধবিধ শাক হিচাবে ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়৷
English: purple mint, purple perilla, wild red basil

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun: beefsteak plant, chinese basil, ji soo, perilla, perilla frutescence...

84. Vegetables(Common Noun-Neuter) A herb that can be used as a vegetable ৰান্ধি খাব পৰা এবিধ বন শাক
Assamese: ভোট-মৰা

85. Vegetables(Common Noun-Common) Any of various leguminous plants grown for their edible seeds and pods. লেচেৰা মাহজাতীয় যিকোনো দীঘল পাছলী৷
English: bean,
Assamese: শিম্বা

86. VegetablesClimbers(Common Noun-Neuter) A crop can be grown throughout the year. It is a vine plant with small bunches of fruits. Tender fruits are used for cooking. The fruit are with long pedicels and swollen tips like bulb.

English: clove bean, Ipomoea Muricata sci ,
Assamese: কলমদানী, লং উৰহী