thaidi (Dimasa) [ Roman: thai.di]
Contributed by: Anuj J Phonglosa on 2008-05-17
thaidi (Dimasa) [ Roman: thai.di]
Contributed by: Anuj J Phonglosa on 2008-05-17
1. Vegetables(Common Noun) an evergreen shrub or tree found in Asia that bears a fruit with multiple layers of skin with an edible, sour pulp inside এচিয়া মহাদেশত বিশেষকৈ পোৱা এক চিৰসেউজ উদ্ভিদ৷ তৰপে তৰপে বাকলি থকা এবিধ টেঙা ফল ধৰে৷