tyrwau baieit

u (Mising) [ Roman: u]
Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-20
1. (Verb-Intran.) To utter a sudden and loud outcry, as in joy, triumph, or exultation or to attract attention

Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-20
2. (Verb-Trans.) to let cattle, sheep, etc. feed on growing grass. গৰু-ম’হক মুকলি পথাৰত এৰি দি ঘাঁহ খুৱা
English: graze, tend,
Assamese: চৰা,
Mising: ong, u,
Khasi: sumar

Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-04-27
3. (Verb-Trans.) to care for and train (a child) যত্ন ল আৰু শিকাই-বুজাই ডাঙৰ কৰ্

u (Khasi)
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2007-10-13
Ref: Anglo-Khasi Dictionary by U. E. Blah
4. (Pronoun-Masculine) the male person or animal being discussed or last mentioned. আলোচিত বা পূৰ্বে-উল্লেখিত মতা মানুহ বা জন্তু।
English: he,
Assamese: তেওঁ, তেৰা, সি,
Bodo: बियो,
Khasi: u,
Garo: bia,
Meeteilon: mahak, Mahak(Nupa),
Bishnupriya Manipuri: তা,
Mizo (Lushai): a,
Karbi: alang, alangli,
Kok-Borok: Bo,
Nagamese: tai,
Dimasa: bu,
Ao: pa,
TAI-Ahom: মান্,
Hindi: वह,
Bangla: ইনিsyl , উনি, এইনsyl , , তিনি, সে, হেcb syl , হেইনsyl ,
Deori: বা,
Hajong: অই,
Tutsa: heh

Different POS:

a. Pronoun-Masculine: his, তাহান্ত, তাৰ, তেওঁৰ, তেখেতৰ...

Higher Magnitude:

b. Pronoun-Common: তেওঁ, তেখেত, উনি, তিনি...

Opp. Gender:

c. Pronoun-Feminine: she, তাই, बियो, ka, mahak(Nupi)...

u (Singpho) [ IPA: u:]
Contributed by: Sabin Saikia on 2024-11-16
5. Zoology(Common Noun-Common) A warm-blooded, egg-laying, feathered vertebrate with the forelimbs modified to form wings. এযোৰ ডেউকা (পাখি) সহায়ত উৰিব পৰা এবিধ উষ্ণৰক্তী অণ্ডজ প্ৰাণী ।