
khur (Mizo (Lushai)) [ IPA: kʰûr]
Contributed by: Parthajyoti Buragohain on 2024-11-27
1. (Verb-Intran.) vibration of the body due to emotion, cold or the like. কোনো এক অনুভূতিৰ বাবে গাটো শিহৰি উঠা।
English: shiver,
Assamese: চিকেহি, জিকাৰ,
Mising: dan,
Garo: dekdeka,
Meeteilon: thok thok nikopa, thok-thok nikopa,
Mizo (Lushai): khur,
Bangla: কাঁপন, পুলক, শিহরণ

Different POS:

a. Abstract Noun: shiver, কঁপনি, কম্পন, পুলক, শিহৰণ...

khur (Dimasa) [ Roman: khur]
Contributed by: Anuj J Phonglosa on 2009-03-24
2. (Verb-Trans.) to create a hole on a plain surface কোনো সমতলত ফুটা বা গাঁত সৃষ্টি কৰা
English: dig, excavate,
Assamese: খনন কৰ্, খান্দ্,
Bodo: जाव, जावदो,
Mising: dulen, mun, ngun,
Khasi: tih,
Garo: cho.a, khonga, kita, kongrua,
Meeteilon: han,
Karbi: hut, keet, kihut, tuk,
Nagamese: khanda,
Dimasa: khu, khur,
Bangla: খনন,
Deori: চ্চুগা,
TAI-Turung: thu,
Tutsa: thou