agdhoriage bracket
age (English) [ IPA: ˈeɪdʒ ASM: এইজ]
adj: ageless
English: age,
Assamese: আউ bo , আয়ু, আয়ুস, বয়স,
Bodo: बैसो,
Khasi: ka juk,
Garo: bilsi,
Meeteilon: chahi, chok,
Karbi: arta,
Nagamese: boyos, umor,
Dimasa: boyos, hayuh,
Hindi: जिन्दगी,
Nepali: उमेर,
TAI-Khamti: asak,
TAI-Turung: asak,
Singpho: ashak
b. Proper Adj.-Common: aged, ancient, antique, archaic, old...
age (Nagamese)
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-04-27
English: ago, before, firstly, previously,
Assamese: আগতে, আগে, আগেয়ে, ইতিপূৰ্ব্বে,
Bodo: सिगां,
Khasi: bad prep,
Meeteilon: haanna, maangda,
Nagamese: agate, age, ogge, poila,
Hindi: पहले,
Bangla: আগে,
TAI-Khamti: kanna
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-04-27
English: in front of, in presence of, post,
Assamese: বিদ্যমানে, বৰ্ত্তমানত, সন্মুখত, সমক্ষে, সাক্ষাতে,
Bodo: साखाथिआव,
Nagamese: age, agote,
Deori: দুগজুহ, দুগজুহৰে, দুগিৰি
age (Tiwa)
Contributed by: Biki Bordoloi on 2012-05-16
English: past,
Assamese: অতীত, ভূত, যোৱা,
Bodo: थांनायसम,
Garo: batanggimin, bon.anggimin,
TAI-Ahom: ম্যুৱ পুন্,
Tiwa: age,
Deori: কেৰবা, দুঁগ
Contributed by: Biki Bordoloi on 2012-05-16
age (English) [ IPA: ˈeɪdʒ ASM: এইজ]
adj: ageless
1. (Abstract Noun) The span of time that one has passed from the birth or the duration of his lifetime. জন্মৰপৰা বৰ্তমানলৈকে অথবা মৃত্যু/ধ্বংস হোৱালৈকে সময়খিনি ৷
Assamese: আউ bo , আয়ু, আয়ুস, বয়স,
Bodo: बैसो,
Khasi: ka juk,
Garo: bilsi,
Meeteilon: chahi, chok,
Karbi: arta,
Nagamese: boyos, umor,
Dimasa: boyos, hayuh,
Hindi: जिन्दगी,
Nepali: उमेर,
TAI-Khamti: asak,
TAI-Turung: asak,
Singpho: ashak
Different POS:
a. Proper Adj.-Common: aged, old, অথৰ্ব, জৰঠ, প্ৰৌঢ়...b. Proper Adj.-Common: aged, ancient, antique, archaic, old...
age (Nagamese)
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-04-27
2. (Adverb) coming or occurring prior to something else দুটা ঘটনাৰ ভিতৰত প্ৰথমতে হোৱা
Assamese: আগতে, আগে, আগেয়ে, ইতিপূৰ্ব্বে,
Bodo: सिगां,
Khasi: bad prep,
Meeteilon: haanna, maangda,
Nagamese: agate, age, ogge, poila,
Hindi: पहले,
Bangla: আগে,
TAI-Khamti: kanna
Contributed by: Mousumi Konwar on 2023-04-27
3. (Adverb) do or happen something when one is present কাৰোবাৰ চকুৰ আগত
Assamese: বিদ্যমানে, বৰ্ত্তমানত, সন্মুখত, সমক্ষে, সাক্ষাতে,
Bodo: साखाथिआव,
Nagamese: age, agote,
Deori: দুগজুহ, দুগজুহৰে, দুগিৰি
age (Tiwa)
Contributed by: Biki Bordoloi on 2012-05-16
4. (Abstract Noun) the events that took place earlier than the current time. বৰ্ত্তমান সময়ৰ আগেয়ে ঘটা কোনো ঘটনা৷
Assamese: অতীত, ভূত, যোৱা,
Bodo: थांनायसम,
Garo: batanggimin, bon.anggimin,
TAI-Ahom: ম্যুৱ পুন্,
Tiwa: age,
Deori: কেৰবা, দুঁগ
Related Idea:
a. Abstract Noun: history, অতীত বৃত্তান্ত, ইতিকথা, ইতিবৃত্ত, ইতিহাস...Contributed by: Biki Bordoloi on 2012-05-16
5. (Proper Adj.-Neuter) of, having existed in, or having occurred during a time previous to the present বৰ্ত্তমানৰ আগেয়ে হোৱা, ঘটা বা থকা