hayu jamhazam

hayuh (Dimasa)
Contributed by: Kulendra Daulagupu on 2009-09-14
1. (Abstract Noun) The span of time that one has passed from the birth or the duration of his lifetime. জন্মৰপৰা বৰ্তমানলৈকে অথবা মৃত্যু/ধ্বংস হোৱালৈকে সময়খিনি ৷
English: age,
Assamese: আউ bo , আয়ু, আয়ুস, বয়স,
Bodo: बैसो,
Khasi: ka juk,
Garo: bilsi,
Meeteilon: chahi, chok,
Karbi: arta,
Nagamese: boyos, umor,
Dimasa: boyos, hayuh,
Hindi: जिन्दगी,
Nepali: उमेर,
TAI-Khamti: asak,
TAI-Turung: asak,
Singpho: ashak

Different POS:

a. Proper Adj.-Common: aged, old, অথৰ্ব, জৰঠ, প্ৰৌঢ়...
b. Proper Adj.-Common: aged, ancient, antique, archaic, old...