
বিক্ৰমাদিত্য (Assamese) [ Roman: Vikramditya]
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2011-11-03
1. (Proper Noun-Masculine) Vikramaditya was a legendary first-century BCE emperor of Ujjain, India, famed for his wisdom, valour and magnanimity. According to the Bhavishya Purana, he was the second son of Ujjain's King Gandharvasena of the Paramara dynasty. খ্ৰীষ্টপূৰ্ব ১ম শতিকাৰ প্ৰাচীন ভাৰতৰ উজ্জয়িনিৰ এজন পৰাক্ৰমী ৰজা৷