
monit (Karbi)
Contributed by: মৰ্ণিংকে ফাংচ` (Morningkeey Phangcho) on 2008-08-13
1. (Common Noun-Common) The most intelligent living being on planet Earth, bipedal primates belonging to the mammalian species in the family Hominidae. মানৱ জাতি

Contributed by: Sarthe Teron Milik (ছাৰ্থে টেৰন মিলিক) on 2014-05-18
2. (Common Noun-Masculine) An adult male human being, as distinguished from a woman. মানুহৰ দুই লিঙ্গৰ বিশেষকৈ শাৰীৰিকভাৱে সৱলজন ৷