mouthwashmovable property

movable (English) [ IPA: ˈmuːvəbəl ASM: মুভেবল]
1. Business-Commerce-Economics(Proper Adj.-Neuter) sth that can be moved কোনো বস্তু যাক স্থানান্তৰ কৰিব পাৰি
English: movable,
Assamese: অস্থাৱৰ


a. Proper Adj.-Neuter: fixed, immobile, immovable, অগ, অচল...

Different POS:

b. Verb-Intran.: go, move, shift, transfer, travel...
c. Verbal Noun: motion, movement, relocation, ইফাল-সিফাল, ইভিতি-সিভিতি...