
बतख (Hindi) [ Roman: ba.takh]
Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-05-03
1. Bird(Common Noun-Common) any of numerous wild or domesticated web-footed swimming birds of the family Anatidae, esp. of the genus Anas and allied genera, characterized by abroad, flat bill, short legs, and depressed body. NULL

Contributed by: Karishma Boro on 2023-05-03
2. Bird(Common Noun-Masculine) Adult male of a wild or domestic duck. পূৰ্ণবয়স্ক ঘৰচীয়া বা বনৰীয়া মতা হাঁহ ৷
English: drake,
Assamese: মতা হাঁহ,
Bodo: हांसो जोला,
Dimasa: daoplamju jla,
Hindi: बतख

Related Idea:

a. Common Noun-Common: duck, pochard, teal, কাৰণ্ডৱ, ঢামৰা...