White-throated Kingfisherwhite-winged wood duck

white-washed (English) [ IPA: white-washed ASM: হোৱাইট-ৱাচড]
Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2010-11-27
1. (Verbal Adj.) which has been made white, as by using a composition of lime and water বগা কৰা বা বগা ৰং দিয়া, উদাহৰণ স্বৰূপে চূণ আৰু পানীৰ এক মিশ্ৰণেৰে লেপি
English: white-washed, whitened,
Assamese: ধৱলিকৃত

Different POS:

a. Proper Adj.-Neuter: white, অমল, গোঁৰা, গৌৰ, গৌৰবৰ্ণ...