jokinglyJoklang Ahem

jokkor (Mising) [ Roman: jo.kor]
Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-06
1. (Common Noun-Common) A person who acts in a funny way which arouses laughter. যাৰ কৰ্মকাণ্ডই আনক হঁহুৱায়|

Contributed by: Himasri Das on 2023-01-13
2. (Common Noun-Common &/or Masculine) A performance artist often associated with a circus and typically characterised by bright, oversized clothing, face paint who performs humorous stunts সাধাৰণতে চাৰ্কাছৰ সৈতে জড়িত এজন শিল্পী, যি খুহুঁতীয়া কথা আৰু অভিনয়েৰে দৰ্শকক হাঁহিৰ খোৰাক যোগায়।