greenroom (English) [ IPA: ˈgriːnˌruːm ASM: গ্ৰীনৰুম]
Contributed by: Priyankoo (প্ৰিয়ংকু) on 2008-01-30
greenroom (English) [ IPA: ˈgriːnˌruːm ASM: গ্ৰীনৰুম]
Contributed by: Priyankoo (প্ৰিয়ংকু) on 2008-01-30
1. (Proper Noun-Neuter) A green room is a waiting room in a theater, studio, or other public venue for the accommodation of performers or speakers when not required on the stage.
It's function is as a break/touch-up lounge so that performers do not have to go back to wardrobe/dressing rooms and are still easily accessible for their call. ভাওনা, নাটক বা থিয়েটাৰ আদিৰ অপেক্ষাগৃহ য’ত ভাওৰীয়া, অভিনেতা, অভিনেত্ৰী আদিয়ে নিজৰ অভিনয়ৰ পাল পৰালৈ অপেক্ষা কৰি থাকে |