
envelop (English) [ IPA: ɪnˈveləp ASM: এনভেলপ]
Contributed by: ৰূপকমল on 2007-02-14
1. (Verb-Trans.) to cover or surround sth with some material কিবা বস্তুৰে কিহবাক আবৰি পেলা
English: cover, envelop, wrap,
Assamese: আবৃত কৰ্, মেৰিয়া,
Bodo: मेरायनाय,
Mising: topo,
Khasi: tap,
Meeteilon: khumba, yomba,
Karbi: ahom, apan,
Hmar: tuom

Related Idea:

a. Verb-Trans.: conceal, cover, cover up, hide, আঁৰ কৰ্...