yokchobayoke gall

yoke (English) [ IPA: ˈjoʊk ASM: য়’ক]
Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2008-02-11
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) A wooden/bamboo device for joining together a pair of draft animals, esp. oxen, usually consisting of a crosspiece with two bow-shaped pieces, each enclosing the head of an animal. হাল বাওঁতে এহাল গৰুৰ ডিঙিত দি দুইটা গৰু যোৰা লগোৱা এডাল কাঠ বা বাঁহ

Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2008-02-11
2. (Verb-Trans.) Put a yoke on or join with a yoke. গৰু আদিক যুৱলি লগোৱা৷