wicket (English) [ IPA: ˈwɪkət ASM: উইকেট]
Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2008-11-02
wicket (English) [ IPA: ˈwɪkət ASM: উইকেট]
Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2008-11-02
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) either of the two frameworks, each consisting of three stumps with two bails in grooves across the tops, at which the bowler aims the ball. ক্ৰিকেট খেলত বেটচ্মেনে বলিং আক্ৰমণৰ পৰা বচাই ৰখা দুডাল বেইলসহ তিনিডাল খুঁটি ৷