silhouette (English) [ IPA: ˌsɪləˈwet ASM: চিলৱেট]
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2013-06-23
Contributed by: Sushanta Kar on 2010-09-05
silhouette (English) [ IPA: ˌsɪləˈwet ASM: চিলৱেট]
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2013-06-23
1. (Abstract Noun) the outline of a solid figure as cast by its shadow ছাঁটোৰে প্ৰকাশ কৰা যিকোনো গোটা বস্তুৰ আকৃতি
Contributed by: Sushanta Kar on 2010-09-05
2. Handicraft(Material Noun-Neuter) a two-dimensional representation of the outline of an object. কোনো ত্ৰিমাত্ৰিক বস্তুৰ দ্বিমাত্ৰিক প্ৰতিবিম্ভ৷
English: configurational drawing, cutout, silhouette,
Assamese: ছায়া-চিত্ৰ
Assamese: ছায়া-চিত্ৰ