shinbone (English) [ IPA: ˈʃɪnˌboʊn ASM: চিনবুন]
Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2012-01-01
shinbone (English) [ IPA: ˈʃɪnˌboʊn ASM: চিনবুন]
Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2012-01-01
1. Anatomy(Material Noun-Neuter) the inner and thicker of the two bones of the human leg between the knee and ankle. আঁঠু আৰু ভৰিৰ সৰু-গাঁঠিৰ মাজৰ অংশ অৰ্থাৎ কলাফুল ধৰি ৰখা দুডাল দীঘল হাড়ৰ শকত ডাল।