rice fieldRice Husk Ash Beer
rice husk (English) [ IPA: ˈraɪs ˈhəsk ASM: ৰাইচ হাস্ক]
Contributed by: Swapnita Kakati on 2006-10-24
rice husk (English) [ IPA: ˈraɪs ˈhəsk ASM: ৰাইচ হাস্ক]
Contributed by: Swapnita Kakati on 2006-10-24
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) damaged rice grains with only the outer covering and no edible grain inside ভিতৰত চাউল নথকা ধানৰ লগতে অহা পাতল ধানৰ নষ্ট বীজ