
phohsniew (Khasi)
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2007-05-10
Ref: Anglo-Khasi Dictionary by U. E. Blah
1. (Verb-Intran.) to experience an episode of dream. শুই থকা অৱস্থাত সপোনৰ অভিজ্ঞতা হ
English: dream,
Assamese: সপোন দেখ্,
Bodo: सिमां,
Khasi: phohsniew,
Karbi: heman,
Nagamese: sapon,
Dimasa: saumi nu, saumin nu,
Deori: উমচ্চি

Different POS:

a. Abstract Noun: dream, সপোন, সমাজিক, স্বপ্ন, सिमां...