
nupui, nu nina (Hmar)
Contributed by: LALREMTHANG HMAR on 2009-03-19
1. (Abstract Noun) the state of being mother মাক বা জন্মদাত্ৰী হোৱা গুণ বা অৱস্থা
English: motherhood,
Assamese: মাতৃত্ব,
Hmar: nupui, nu nina

Different POS:

a. Common Noun-Feminine: mammy, mom, mother, অম্বা, অম্বালা...

Opp. Gender:

b. Abstract Noun: fatherhood, paternity, পিতৃত্ব, বাপদায়, papui, pa nina...

Super Idea:

c. Abstract Noun: parenthood, জনকত্ব, बिमा बिफा जानाय...