
jakra (Garo) [ IPA: zakɾa]
Contributed by: Shruti NR Baruah on 2024-11-27
1. (Abstract Noun) the side that is normally opposite to that where the heart is. হৃদপিণ্ড থকা ফালৰ বিপৰীত ফাল।
English: right,
Assamese: দাইনold , সোঁ, সোঁফাল,
Bodo: आगदा,
Garo: jakra,
Karbi: ar-e,
Nagamese: daina,
Dimasa: yaoda,
Kaubru (Reang): yakgra,
Hindi: दायाँ,
Deori: অজা


a. Abstract Noun: left, বাওঁ, বাওঁফাল, লেবেৰা, आगसि...