houfamhoujikki matan

houjik (Meeteilon) [ Roman: hou.jeek]
Contributed by: Mohen Naorem on 2009-02-27
1. (Abstract Noun) the point of time at the current moment চলি থকা সময়
English: present, probable,
Assamese: বৰ্তমান,
Bodo: नुजाथिनाय,
Khasi: badon,
Garo: da.ororo,
Meeteilon: houjik,
Nagamese: bortoman,
Deori: দেই

Contributed by: Mohen Naorem on 2009-03-29
2. (Abstract Noun) flow of sth; like that of water, electricity, even people বস্তুৰ বৈ যোৱা গতি, যেনেঃ পানী, বিদ্যুত্, আনকি মানুহৰো
English: current, flux,
Assamese: ধাৰ, সোঁত, স্ৰোত,
Bodo: मोब्लिब,
Khasi: ka jingum,
Meeteilon: houjik,
Karbi: teroi,
Dimasa: dilam