cytology (English) [ IPA: saɪˈtɑlədʒiː ASM: চাইটলজি]
Contributed by: Prasanta Borah (প্ৰশান্ত বৰা) on 2010-03-11
cytology (English) [ IPA: saɪˈtɑlədʒiː ASM: চাইটলজি]
Contributed by: Prasanta Borah (প্ৰশান্ত বৰা) on 2010-03-11
1. (Abstract Noun) The examination of individual cells and small clusters of cells, and may be used for the diagnosis and screening of diseases. জীৱদেহৰ কোষ সম্পৰ্কে প্ৰনালীবদ্ধ অধ্যয়ন ৷