coracoidcoral bead

coral (English) [ IPA: ˈkɔrəl ASM: কৰেল]
Contributed by: Dr (Mrs) Krishna Barua on 2008-03-04
1. Insect-Worm(Common Noun-Common) Corals are skeletal remains of marine organisms from the class Anthozoa and exist as small sea anemone–like polyps, typically in colonies of many identical individuals. The group includes the important reef builders that are found in tropical oceans, which secrete calcium carbonate to form a hard skeleton.
English: coral,
Assamese: পোৱাল, প্ৰবাল,
Meeteilon: pohal,
Dimasa: powal,
Bangla: প্রবাল

Related Idea:

a. Material Noun-Neuter: coral bead, পোৱালমণি, বিদ্যুম...
b. Common Noun-Neuter: coral reef, প্ৰবাল প্ৰাচীৰ...