backfirebackground music
background (English) [ IPA: ˈbækˌ(g)ræʊnd ASM: বেকগ্ৰাউণ্ড]
English: background,
Assamese: দৃশ্যপট, পটভূমি, পশ্চাদভূমি, পৃষ্ঠভূমি,
Khasi: ka nongrim,
Dimasa: naiyaohon,
TAI-Turung: shungdu mga,
Singpho: shumla na shingdu maga
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2006-03-27
background (English) [ IPA: ˈbækˌ(g)ræʊnd ASM: বেকগ্ৰাউণ্ড]
1. Art and Culture(Abstract Noun-Neuter) Part of a scene or picture furthest from the observer কোনো দৃশ্য বা চিত্ৰৰ দৰ্শকৰ পৰা আটাইতকৈ দূৰত থকা অংশ
Assamese: দৃশ্যপট, পটভূমি, পশ্চাদভূমি, পৃষ্ঠভূমি,
Khasi: ka nongrim,
Dimasa: naiyaohon,
TAI-Turung: shungdu mga,
Singpho: shumla na shingdu maga
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2006-03-27
2. (Proper Adj.) Extraneous signals/sounds that can be confused/fused with the phenomenon to be observed or measured or delivered. eg. background music. কোনো ভাওনা, নাটক আদিৰ পৃষ্ঠভূমিত দিয়া বিভিন্ন ধৰণৰ শব্দবিশেষ|