arthropoda (English) [ IPA: [arthropoda] ASM: আৰ্থ্ৰ’পডা]
Contributed by: Pankaj Borah (পঙ্কজ বৰা) on 2008-02-29
arthropoda (English) [ IPA: [arthropoda] ASM: আৰ্থ্ৰ’পডা]
Contributed by: Pankaj Borah (পঙ্কজ বৰা) on 2008-02-29
1. (Common Noun-Common) Arthropods (Phylum Arthropoda, from Greek ἄρθρον arthron, "joint", and ποδός podos, "foot")are characterised by the possession of a segmented body with appendages on at least one segment.The arthropods are by far the most successful phylum of animals, both in diversity of distribution and in numbers of species and individuals.About 80% of all known animal species belong to the Arthropoda - about 800,000 species have been described, and recent estimates put the total number of species in the phylum at about 6 million. সন্ধিপদী প্ৰানীৰ সংখ্যা জীৱ-জগতৰ আন সকলোতকৈ বেছি । সকলো পোক পতঙ্গ এই শ্ৰেনীত পৰে । দেহত সন্ধি যুক্ত (খলপীয়া) বহু ঠেং থাকে বাবে ইহতক সন্ধিপদী বোলে ।