About Us

What is XOBDO?

'XOBDO' (means sound or word in Assamese) is a non-profit organization formed with a group of volunteers located in various parts of the globe with the common interest of promoting the languages of the North-East India in the cyberworld. Members of Xobdo are voluntarily collaborating to construct and maintain this website. In March, 2006 the Xobdo team began working on the online English and Assamese bidirectional dictionary. Currently, Xobdo has a number of North-Eastern languages included in its dictionary. Society Registration Certificate.

What do you mean by 'Descriptive Dictionary'?

XOBDO.ORG is a living 'descriptive dictionary'. Volunteers like you are continuously discussing and attempting to describe and document the words, their meanings and spellings as they are used and understood by people at present time. You can also participate in these discussions and be part of this endevour.

What do you mean by 'developed and maintained by Community Collaboration'?

As it says, members of the community voluntarily come forward to collborate to maintain and develop this project.

How can you help?

If you speak any of the languages listed on the Xobdo homepage, you can help us by contributing words of your language. Registering yourself at Xobdo is free and easy. Once you are registered you can start adding words from your language. Moreover, if you speak any of the North-Eastern languages not listed at Xobdo and still you want to build an online dictionary, you can contact us and we will be happy to help you.

What are the objectives of XOBDO.ORG?

  • Promote Assamese, Bodo, Mising, Karbi, Dimasa, Khasi, Meeteilon, Mizo, Hmar and other languages of the North-East India worldwide through the internet.
  • Cooperate constructively with all possible quarters to build online dictionaries, word corpus, learning tools and other linguistic resources of the concerned languages.
  • Construct and maintain websites to cater to the above needs.
  • Publish electronic and conventional media to cater to the above needs.

  • Where to start?

    If you are interested to participate in these projects contact us at [email protected].
    If you like our works, be our .
    We need some funding to maintain the domain name, webpages etc. We also want to engage some lexicographers to maintain and improve our database by paying some nominal stipend. Kindly contribute any amount, no amount is small. Our bank details are given below:

    Bank Details

    Beneficiary: XOBDO ORG
    Account Number: 73312010010850
    Bank IFSC Code: CNRB0017331
    Bank Name: CANARA BANK