afforestation (English) [ IPA: æˌfɔrəˈsteɪʃən ASM: এফৰষ্টেচন]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-03-16
English: afforestation, forestation,
Assamese: অৰণ্যায়ন, বনানীকৰণ
afforestation (English) [ IPA: æˌfɔrəˈsteɪʃən ASM: এফৰষ্টেচন]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-03-16
1. (Proper Noun-Neuter) The conversion of bare or cultivated land into forest (originally for the purpose of hunting). খেতি কৰা অথবা মুকলি ঠাই গছ-বন ৰোপণ কৰি জংঘললৈ পৰিৱৰ্তণ কৰা |
Assamese: অৰণ্যায়ন, বনানীকৰণ