Jersey cowjest
Jerusalem (English) [ IPA: jerusalem ASM: জেৰুজালেম]
Contributed by: Tapan K Sarma(তপন কুমাৰ শৰ্মা) on 2015-03-14
Jerusalem (English) [ IPA: jerusalem ASM: জেৰুজালেম]
Contributed by: Tapan K Sarma(তপন কুমাৰ শৰ্মা) on 2015-03-14
1. Place(Proper Noun-Neuter) located on a plateau in the Judean Mountains between the Mediterranean and the Dead Sea, is one of the oldest cities in the world. It is considered holy to the three major Abrahamic religions—Judaism, Christianity and Islam পশ্চিম এচিয়াৰ পৌৰাণিক চহৰ৷ ইজৰাইলৰ ৰাজধানী৷ ইহুদি, খ্ৰীষ্টান আৰু ইছলাম তিনিওটা ধৰ্মৰ পৱিত্ৰ স্থান৷