Children’s Daychili
Chile (English) [ IPA: [IPA] ASM: চিলি]
Contributed by: Tapan K Sarma(তপন কুমাৰ শৰ্মা) on 2014-10-31
Chile (English) [ IPA: [IPA] ASM: চিলি]
Contributed by: Tapan K Sarma(তপন কুমাৰ শৰ্মা) on 2014-10-31
1. Place(Proper Noun-Neuter) Chile, officially the Republic of Chile, is a South American country occupying a long, narrow strip of land between the Andes mountains to the east and the Pacific Ocean to the west দক্ষিণ আমেৰিকাৰ এখন দেশ৷