Dictionary >

Xobdo Dictionary

This article lists various topics related to the Xobdo Dictionary.


1. Our Editing Policies
2. XOBDO Phonetics Romanization Scheme (2007)
3. Discussion Rules
4. Parts of Speech used in XOBDO
5. Letter To Editor 02-Aug-2011
6. শ্ৰদ্ধেয় সম্পাদকমণ্ডলী, অসমৰ বাতৰিকাকতসমূহ...
8. বিছিন্নতাঁৰ শব্দ অভিধান, প্ৰস্তাৱনা সংষ্কৰণ" > বিছিন্নতাঁৰ শব্দ অভিধান, প্ৰস্তাৱনা সংষ্কৰণ
9. XOBDO Transliteration Scheme 2013
10. How to submit words and their meanings.
11. What is IdeaID and how to select it?
12. Quick Word Add
13. How to start a discussion in XOBDO.ORG
14. XOBDO Script Policy (2022)
15. Bodo Romanization Scheme (2022)