soul searching (English) [ IPA: ˈsoʊl ˈsərtʃɪŋ ASM: চউল চাৰচিং]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2011-08-11
soul searching (English) [ IPA: ˈsoʊl ˈsərtʃɪŋ ASM: চউল চাৰচিং]
Contributed by: Partha P Sarmah on 2011-08-11
1. (Verbal Noun) the anxious, careful examination of your own thoughts,beliefs, feelings etc. (e.g. for self improvement or to be able to take a correct decision) নিজৰ ভাব-অনুভুতি, চিন্তা-চৰ্চা আদিৰ সচেতন আৰু নিৰ্মোহ বিশ্লেষণ৷