hap khunhapchinba
hapanba chofu (Meeteilon) [ IPA: hapɑnba ʦɔfu]
Contributed by: Priti Mitra on 2024-11-28
hapanba chofu (Meeteilon) [ IPA: hapɑnba ʦɔfu]
Contributed by: Priti Mitra on 2024-11-28
1. Handicraft(Material Noun-Neuter) a kind of cylindrical vessel made of porcelain or glass, especially used to keep food items in the kitchen বহল মুখৰ, চুঙাকৃতিৰ, চীনামাটি বা কাঁচেৰে তৈয়াৰী এবিধ পাত্ৰ; সাধাৰণতে খোৱাবস্তু ৰাখিবলৈ ব্যৱহাৰ কৰা হয়