bomb fly (English) [ IPA: ˈbɑm ˈflaɪ ASM: বম্ব ফ্লাই]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2009-06-04
bomb fly (English) [ IPA: ˈbɑm ˈflaɪ ASM: বম্ব ফ্লাই]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2009-06-04
1. Insect-Worm(Common Noun) A fly of genus Hypoderma. It is slightly larger than house fly and are parasitic on cattle. Adults are large, hairy, bee-like and brown.
গৰু মহ আদিৰ তেজপিঁয়া ঘৰুৱা মাখিতকৈ অলপ ডাঙৰ বিধৰ মাখি ৷