reedreed holder
Reed bamboo (English) [ IPA: ˈriːd bæmˈbuː ASM: ৰিড বেম্বু]
Contributed by: Michel H. Porcher on 2012-03-19
Reed bamboo (English) [ IPA: ˈriːd bæmˈbuː ASM: ৰিড বেম্বু]
Contributed by: Michel H. Porcher on 2012-03-19
1. Plants(Common Noun) A species of spiny bamboo with relatively longer internode. ঘন, কাঁইটীয়া আখিৰে এবিধ ফোঁপোলা পাব দীঘল বাঁহ ৷
English: Bambusa arundinaceasci , Bambusa arundinacea (Retz.) Wi, Bambusa bambos (L.) Vosssci , Indian bamboo, Reed bamboo, Spiny bamboo, Thorny bamboo,
Assamese: মকাল বাঁহ,
Karbi: Chekso
Assamese: মকাল বাঁহ,
Karbi: Chekso