Philippine violet (English) [ IPA: Philippine ˈvaɪlət ASM: ফিলিপাইন ভায়লেট]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2009-06-08
Philippine violet (English) [ IPA: Philippine ˈvaɪlət ASM: ফিলিপাইন ভায়লেট]
Contributed by: Atul Ch. Kakoti on 2009-06-08
1. (Proper Noun-Common &/or Masculine) Barleria cristata is plant of the Acanthaceae family. It is native to Southern China, India and Myanmar. Barleria cristata`s leaves are dark green on the upper surface and pale green on the lower surface. They are elliptic. The flowers are funnel-shaped in violet, pink, or white color. The fruits are long ellipsoid capsules shaped.
এবিধ সৰু হালধীয়া আৰু বেঙুনীয়া ফুল ধৰা কাঁইটিয়া জোপোহা গছ৷