Ompok bimaculatusomrung

Ompok pabosci (English) [ IPA: Ompok pabo ASM: ওমপ’ক পাব]
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2008-04-22
1. (Common Noun) A fresh-water fish found widespread throughout Asia in the rivers of Afghanistan to China (including ASSAM), Thailand and Borneo. It is found both freshwater and brackish environments. It naturally occurs in streams and rivers which range in size and flow with currents that can best be described as sluggish to moderate. The rivers are usually quite shallow ranging from 0.5 to 1.5m in depth, and are often muddy and murky. These large catfish are also found in canals and inundated fields into which they move during the flood season. These catfish can attain a length of 450mm or 18” standard length.

English: Ompok bimaculatussci , Ompok pabosci ,
Assamese: পাভ,
Bodo: ना सिंगि,
Mising: kar ji, karji