Celosia cristata L.Celosia plant

Celosia flower (English) [ IPA: siːˈloʊʒ(iː)ə ˈflæʊr ASM: চিল’চিয়া ফ্লাৱাৰ]
Contributed by: Bikram M Baruah on 2012-05-03
1. Flowers(Common Noun-Common) A common ornamental plant in gardens with a flower shaped like a cockscomb. Some varieties have flowers in various shades of red or various shades of yellow. It belongs to the amaranth family.

src: http://topflowerswallpaper.blogspot.com/2009/04/cockscomb-crested-flower.html
English: Celosia cristata L., Celosia flower, Celosia plant, cockscomb,
Assamese: কুকুৰা জবা, কুকুৰা ফুল,
Dimasa: khimsa-gajau

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a. Common Noun-Neuter: Amaranth...