kumariKumarila Bhatta

Kumari Puja (English) [ IPA: Kumari Puja ASM: কুমাৰী পূজা]
Contributed by: Anjal Borah (অঞ্জল বৰা) on 2009-09-29
1. (Proper Noun) Kumari Puja a part of durga puja, during which a teenage girl is worshipped symbolically as a goddess.Kumari Puja is held on Ashtami or sometimes Nabami. Kumari Puja is performed in Annapurna, Jagatdhatri and even Kali Puja as without Kumari Puja, the yagna remains incomplete. In the dawn of Ashtami or Nabami, the Kumari is bathed in Ganga water and is clad in a red benarasi saari. She is then adorned with flowers and jewelry, alta is applied to her feet and a 'tilak' of sindur on her forehead. The young Kumari fasts the whole day until the puja is over. দুৰ্গা পূজাৰ সময়ত অষ্টমীৰ দিনা কুমাৰী ছোৱালীক পূজা কৰা এবিধ পৰম্পৰা৷ দেৱীৰ ৰূপত কল্পনা কৰি এনে পূজাত কোনো কুমাৰী ছোৱালীক ফুল, সেন্দুৰ আৰু ৰঙীন বস্ত্ৰৰে পূজা কৰা হয়৷

Axomiya Pratidin NewsPaper
English: Kumari Puja,
Assamese: কুমাৰী পূজা,
Bodo: कुमारि फुजा