
যৎপৰোনাস্তি (Assamese) [ Roman: jot.po.ro`.nas.ti]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-03-12
Ref: আধুনিক অসমীয়া শব্দকোষ
1. (Proper Adj.) sth much more than what is expected or needed. আশা কৰাতকৈ বা লগাতকৈ বেছি৷

Contributed by: Probodh Borah (প্ৰবোধ বৰা) on 2012-07-03
2. (Adverb) as much as possible by one's power; to the best of one's ability. সাধ্য বা শক্তি আছেমানে; সাধ্য বা শক্তিয়ে জোৰেমানে৷