stoichiometryStokes law
stoicism (English) [ IPA: ˈstoʊəˌsɪzəm ASM: ষ্ট’ইচিজিম]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-02-16
stoicism (English) [ IPA: ˈstoʊəˌsɪzəm ASM: ষ্ট’ইচিজিম]
Contributed by: Biraj Kumar Kakati on 2008-02-16
1. (Abstract Noun-Neuter) Conduct conforming to the precepts of the Stoics, as repression of emotion and indifference to pleasure or pain. অনুৰাগ/আগ্ৰহ/ইচ্ছা নথকা অৱস্থা; উদাসীন অৱস্থা|