masemash dal

mash (English) [ IPA: ˈmæʃ ASM: মাচ]
Contributed by: archana rajbongshi on 2006-10-04
1. (Material Noun-Neuter) a soft, pulpy mass made from a solid object broken or crushed in small pieces and mixed with water. Like mud.

Contributed by: archana rajbongshi on 2006-10-04
2. (Verb-Trans.) to convert into a soft, pulpy mass; to hit or strike (someone or something) with force বল প্ৰয়োগ কৰি বা হাতেৰে মোহাৰি কোমল, থুপথুপীয়া অৱস্থালৈ ৰূপান্তৰ কৰ্