Xobdo Learn > Course-11 > L1101 >

Lesson-1101 : Conversation 1 : Dinner Time

In this lesson, we will attempt to develop Assamese as a "Family Language" of your family.
Family time starts with Dinner Time. So, we have decided to prepare the 1st lesson in a dinner table setting. Please practice the words, specially the action words, while you are having dinner with your family.

Conversation 1:

(Voices: Ms. Aklantika Saikia and Master Aayaan M. Baruah)

1. ৰণ : মা, ভোক লাগিছে, ভাত দিয়া৷

Ron : Ma (Mom), bho`k (hungry) lagise (get/need), bhat (rice=food) diya (please give).

Ron: Mom, (I am getting hunger  =)  I am hungry, give me food.

2. মা: ভাত দিছো৷ আহা৷

Ma: bhat (rice = food) diso` (I am giving). Aha (Come).

Mom: I am giving food. Come on.

3. ৰণ: ৱাহ, মাংস ! বঢ়িয়া৷

Ron: Wah (Wow), mangxo (mutton) ! borhiya (very good).

Ron: Wow, mutton! Very good.

4. মা: খোৱা৷ আৰু লাগিব?

Ma: Kho`wa (you eat). Aru (more) lagibo (need) ?

Mom: (Please) eat, (do you) need more?

5. ৰণ: হ`ব, হ`ব৷ আৰু নালাগে৷

Ron: Ho`bo, ho`bo (Enough, enough). Aru (more) Nalage (No need).

Ron: Enough, enough. No more needed.


In this conversation, we learned these


1. মা (Ma) = Mom/mother
2. ভোক (bho`k) = hunger
3. ভাত (bhat) = rice/food
4. মাংস (mangxo) = meat/mutton. Here the pronunciation of  "x" in "mangxo" is like the Spanish "X" in Mexico  Or the "J" in San Jose or "X. This sound can not be found in any other major Indian languages nor in English.


1. লাগ (lag)  = need/get (লাগিছে, লাগিব, নালাগে)
2. দে (de)  = give (দিছো, দিয়া)
3. আহ্ (ah) =come (আহা)
4. খা (kha) = eat (খোৱা),
5. হ (ho) = be (হব). This verb is used to mean "Enough".

The "command to peers" of the verbs are formed as follows:
দিয়া (diya) = Please give.
আহা (aha) = Please come.
খোৱা (kho`wa) = Please eat.

The 3rd person, simple present tense is formed as follows:
লাগিছে (lagise) = he/she needs
দিছে (dise) = he/she gives
আহিছে (ahise) = he/she comes
খাইছে (khaise) = he/she eats
হৈছে (hoise) = it is happening

3rd person future tense is formed as follows:
লাগিব  (lagibo) = will need / will get
দিব (dibo) = will give
আহিব (ahibo) = will come
খাব (khabo) = will eat
হ`ব (ho`bo) = will happen

These verbs are negated by adding No / Na / Ni etc in front of the verb based on the beginning sound of the verb. For example...
নালাগে (Nalage) = No need
নিদিব (Nidibo) = Don`t give
নাখাও (Nakhao) = (I ) do not eat
নাহিবা (Nahiba) = Please do not come


বঢ়িয়া (borhiya) = very good

আৰু (aru) = This word is used mostly as"and" to join two sentences. But sometimes it is used to mean "more".


ৱাহ (wah = wow)